Sick of it All - Life on the Ropes (2003)

Sick of it All - Life on the Ropes (2003)
Sick of it All - Life on the Ropes (2003)
1. Relentless
2. All My Blessings
3. The Land Increases
4. Paper Tiger (Fakin' The Punk)
5. The Innocent
6. Silence
7. For Now
8. View From The Surface
9. Going All Out
10. Rewind
11. Shot Sandwich
12. Butting Heads
13. Take Control
14. Kept In Check
15. On The Brink
16. Trenches

Even after more than 15 years, Sick of It All's Life on the Ropes finds the band as heavy, fast, and fun as ever while still allowing plenty of room for some thoughtful lyrics. Throughout the entire length of the album, the band keeps switching back and forth between circle-pit anthems and singalong youth crew tunes. Thus, the band sounds like a good cross of old- and new-school hardcore mixed with good old punk rock. Street-tough vocals from Lou Koller spout out lyrics that seem to be predominately about philosophy and self-reflection, which may seem out of place among much of the hardcore scene, but Sick of It All makes it work and in an intelligent, respectable manner. Sixteen songs seems the perfect length, as the tunes are all pretty quick-paced and upbeat, and thus the album seems over before you know it. In the end, if nothing else, Sick of It All show that age and experience can help make a better hardcore album. Life on the Ropes is a fine album for both first-time listeners and fans alike. - Kurt Morris, All Music Guide.

2003 offering proves that SOIA are certainly not 'on the ropes'. The sixteen tracks were laid down at the infamous Atomic Recording Company in Brooklyn, NY. Fat Wreck Chords.


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